"Our partners at Mahila Partnership have raised money to cover the cost of the gift cards and are working toward providing hygiene kits for people coming into the center. The more we can provide for the local residents who have been without their grocery store for so long, the further their $20 gift card will go when Fairway Market re-opens March 1st. If anyone has suggestions or can help in any way with this incentive program, please feel free to contact me (nkepler@EMMP-Emergency.com) or Angela Devlen of Mahila Partnership (adevlen@mahilapartnership.org
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Tell Your Story Campaign in Red Hook!
The "Tell Your Story" Campaign has found a space! March 2 through Saturday March 9 (with the exception of Wednesday Mar 6) Red Hook residents can drop into Kentler International Drawing Space at 353 Van Brunt Street and tell their Hurricane Sandy recovery story. There are a few more updates for the campaign. One being that $20 Fairway gift cards are being acquired to hand out to those who come into the "Tell Your Story Center". There's more they have to say on that subject below. Also, between Feb 12 and Feb 14, they will be screening social workers to be considered for the interview pool. If you or anyone you know have a background in social work or counseling and would like to contribute your time to this project, please contact EMMP at Development@EMMP-Emergency.com with the subject line “Tell Your Story Interviewers Pool”. And finally we've heard the screening/fundraiser will be held sometime in mid to late April. The location in TBD. We'll give you more updates as we get them. In the meantime, get involved!
"Our partners at Mahila Partnership have raised money to cover the cost of the gift cards and are working toward providing hygiene kits for people coming into the center. The more we can provide for the local residents who have been without their grocery store for so long, the further their $20 gift card will go when Fairway Market re-opens March 1st. If anyone has suggestions or can help in any way with this incentive program, please feel free to contact me (nkepler@EMMP-Emergency.com) or Angela Devlen of Mahila Partnership (adevlen@mahilapartnership.org
) If you would like to make a donation for this program, you can do so at www.mahilapartnerhsip.org
by indicating on your donation memo “Red Hook Recovery Project”.
Donations are tax deductible and 100% of all donations will go to this
"Our partners at Mahila Partnership have raised money to cover the cost of the gift cards and are working toward providing hygiene kits for people coming into the center. The more we can provide for the local residents who have been without their grocery store for so long, the further their $20 gift card will go when Fairway Market re-opens March 1st. If anyone has suggestions or can help in any way with this incentive program, please feel free to contact me (nkepler@EMMP-Emergency.com) or Angela Devlen of Mahila Partnership (adevlen@mahilapartnership.org
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