From AICP:
Brooklyn Streetcar Feasibility Study CAC Members:
Thank you to all who were able to attend our final CAC meeting this week. As always, your input will be a valuable contribution to the study.
The PowerPoint presentation given at the meeting has now been posted on the study website: .
As always, we encourage you to offer your comments, which can be submitted on the website or directly to me via email.
By early next week, we expect to have details on the final, public meeting and will also be posting the Operations Memo, which outlines technical considerations related to running a streetcar, and the full Feasibility Report, which describes in greater detail the findings included in the presentation.
Thank you for your continued involvement in the study.
What this "massaged" report doesn't say, is that while it costs $41 per hour to run a streetcar, it costs NYCT $160 per hour to operate a bus. What the report doesn't tell you, is that according to URS's own experience in Portland, OR, it really costs $12 million per mile to build the streetcar line, not $26 million per mile as URS now claims. What DOT DID say in an email last Dec, is that URS and DOT project a 43% increase in Transit Demand in Red Hook. Finally, another thing they don't want you to know, is a new streetcar costs about $800,000. DOT wants you to think its over $7 million per car.Another Key fact thatDOT doesnt want you to know, is that a 2 mile start up line could be built for under $33 million, with $25 million coming from a special FTA grant for new streetcar projects.