We strolled by the Bourgeois Pig the other day, which has been open for several days now. It's decor is exactly how we pictured, although unfortunately they wouldn't let us take photos of the inside (outside is above) because they weren't quite set up yet. But if you've ever been to the Manhattan location you'll be able to visualize it. In fact the small bit you can see from the drapery in the windows might help too. Picture giant chandeliers, big decorative chairs, and lots and lots of red velvet. Definitely not the type of atmosphere for casual hanging. It creates a real date night mood. It's decor mirrors the rich food on the menu, indulgent. As we walked by the smell of bacon was pouring out onto the street. Maybe they were working on a bacon and cheese fondue? One can only hope.
Crafting a Effective B2B Marketing Method
7 years ago
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